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2018! - 10 Reasons You Need Success Coaching With Accelerated Dreams

1. If you are not where you want to be in your life.

Life throws us many curve balls. The problem is we do not know how to respond. We are more reactive than responsive and keep finding ourselves working from behind trying to catch up to overcome our deficiencies. If this sounds like you, then you need a success coach to create change in your life.

2. If you want to be better and more productive in certain parts of your life.

Some people are already doing well but that is not good enough for them. They have the ambition to do more and accomplish more. Working outside our comfort zones will eventually set to comfort when we master it. We then learn we have to step out beyond our new zone of comfort to stretch ourselves. Success coaching will help you stretch into unknown territory.

3. If you are stuck in your life and tired of the mundane.

Some people are just stuck and can’t figure things out. Don’t worry. You do not have to know all the answers. If you do not have the answers, someone you know does. In coaching, our philosophy is that everything you need to make your life happen is already in there but you may not be aware of it yet. Coaching helps to bring you to that level of awareness to create positive change in your life.

4. If you want to pursue your passion and do not know how.

Many people have goals and aspirations and think to themselves “someday” I will do this or that. The problem is that “someday” never comes and all of their ideas are never manifested. Success coaching helps to move you from the someday I will do it to today I will do it.

5. If you want to grow to a level you always knew you were capable of.

Sometimes we know we are capable of a lot more. We know that we are very intelligent and have helped a lot of people. We sometimes get pats on the back from many people who tell us, “You should start a business in this or that.” We know it, we believe it but cannot realize it and this becomes very frustrating. Success coaching helps you cross the bridge of frustration into the land of manifestation.

6. If you are sick and tired of being average and want to separate yourself from the crowd.

I am sure you have heard this phrase and have probably said it out loud many times. Being sick and tired does not bring change. Taking the right action is what brings about change. Success coaching helps you with that.

7. If you need accountability in your life.

We are all accountable to someone or for something. Accountability is about showing your work to see if it meets the standards you placed on it. Accountability tracks your progress to see how close or far away you are from meeting goal. Without accountability the goal line becomes blurry and ambiguous.

8. If you are aware of the big picture but lack clarity in figuring it out.

Many people can paint a very good picture of their lives and are interested in many different things. They have a flood of ideas most of which are great. However, they lack clarity to stream line the ideas to make their ideas big picture directed. A flood of ideas creates a flood and your life would not have a flow. Gaining clarity is a great benefit of success coaching that streamlines your ideas so you can make a beeline to success.

9. If you value the importance of your agenda.

Have you ever been in a relationship where you were the star or the celebrity? When you coach with Accelerated Dreams you are the star. Your agenda drives the coaching process. It is all about what you want to achieve and what you want out of the relationship with the coach. Success coaching recognizes your individuality and importance and strives to help you achieve that.

10. If you want to be productive and result oriented.

Many people are busy in their lives but do not see a return on their labor. Either they are working on the wrong things or working in the wrong areas of their lives. The success coaching process helps you to identify your strengths, learn to work in your strength zone to increase productivity.



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